Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Back 40 welcome to my blog

At last! After a winter that was both brutal and endless the daffodils and hyacinths have come to life. Last fall I planted 125 crocus, hyacinth and daffodil bulbs, that I got from my favourite purveyor of all things green; Veseys's Seeds. The great thing about daffodils is that squirrels and rabbits ignore them, as they are toxic to them. After years of planting tulips only to see them dug up or eaten when they bloom, ( the happy squirrel with a mouth full of tulip blossoms was the last straw) I finally accepted reality and have gone yellow! Daffodils are beautiful, they divide and rebloom year after year. They are the first sign that winter is finally over and they are the harbinger of the growth to come. So here is my ministry thought. How often in the church do we keep doing things even though the results aren't what we want? Sometimes we keep repeating history, sure that things will work out better next time. We keep planning tulips and they keep getting eaten. Where in your church do you need to stop planting tulips and put in some daffodils instead? Trust me , you'll enjoy going yellow!