Tuesday, June 2, 2015


One of the things I love about the garden is the constant parade of beauty that comes with the seasons. It starts with daffodils in the early spring, then the lilacs, followed by the irises and before I know it the peonies in all their perfumed glory will be in blossom. On and on it goes till fall, one constant parade of beauty. Truly for everything there is a season.
Our lilacs in full bloom
This is the season for me of sabbatical, a time to stop, and research and read and most importantly think! In ministry today it is easy to lose track of the forest because the trees seem thicker then ever. So I'll be travelling to Alberta, New York and visiting churches in the GTA. So at times you will find pictures from the back 40 of my garden and other times, stories of my visits which starts tomorrow. A parade of learning, along with the transitions of the season of growth in the garden. they go so well together
my orange irises